
[发表时间]:2022-04-22 [来源]: [浏览次数]:[]


中央财经大学心理咨询中心 副研究员


















2019.09-2024.01 北京师范大学心理学部,健康心理学,教育学博士

2010.09-2013.07 中国科学院心理研究所,社会与人格心理学,理学硕士

2005.09-2009.07 中国农业大学人文学院,商务英语,文学学士



2013.07-今 中央财经大学心理咨询中心,专职心理咨询师、大学生成长导师

2015.07-2015.08 首都医科大学附属北京安定医院,见习医生























2021-2022,疫情常态化下大学生心理弹性的机制研究, 中央财经大学思政课题(DJC21037),主持

2021-2025, 基于大数据的我国青少年心理健康问题及其影响因素与脑机制研究,国家社科基金重大项目(20&ZD153),参与






  1. Niu, W.,Feng, Y.†, Xu, S., Wilson, A., Jin, Y., Ma, Z., & Wang, Y. (2024). Revealing suicide risk of young adults based on comprehensive measurements using decision tree classification.Computers in Human Behavior, 158(108272), 1-12.(SSCI, Q1)

  2. Li, J.,Feng, Y.†,Yu, Y., Xu, S., & Wang, Y. (2024). Effect of gender identity on the association between gender dysphoria and suicidality via appearance anxiety among transgender and gender-diverse young people: moderated mediation study.BJPsych open, 10(e66), 1-7. (SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  3. Hang, Y., Gudjonsson, G. H., Yao, Y.,Feng, Y.#, & Qiao, Z. (2024). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Gudjonsson compliance scale: scale validation and associations with mental health.BMC Public Health, 24(1), 1-12.(SCI, Q2)

  4. Hang, Y., Wang, Z., Roets, A., Zong, M., Bu, R.,Feng, Y.#, & Qiao, Z. (2024). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the 15‐item Need for Closure Scale: Scale validation and associations with mental health.Journal of Clinical Psychology, 80(5), 1130-1146. (SSCI, Q2)

  5. Wang, J., Wei, Z., Jia, L., Yu, J., Wang, Y., Meng, Y.,Feng, Y.#,& Chen, R. (2024).Can digital self‐harm relate to suicidal thoughts and behaviors beyond physical self‐harm?Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica,1-11. (SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  6. Yu, Y.,Feng, Y.†, Xu, S., Wilson, A., Chen, C., Ling, X., Chen, R., & Wang, Y. (2024). The influence of childhood trauma and chronotype on suicide attempts in Chinese emerging adults with severe depressive symptoms.BMC psychology,12(1), 1-12.(SSCI, Q2)

  7. Qu, D., Liu, B., Jia, L., Zhang, X., Chen, D., Zhang, Q.,Feng, Y.#, & Chen, R. (2024). The longitudinal relationships between short video addiction and depressive symptoms: A cross-lagged panel network analysis.Computers in Human Behavior,152, 108059.(SSCI, Q1)

  8. Qu, D., Zhang, X., Wang, J., Liu, B., Wen, X.,Feng, Y.#, & Chen, R. (2023). New form of addiction: An emerging hazardous addiction problem of milk tea among youths.Journal of affective disorders, 341(2023), 26-34.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  9. Wang, Y., Xu, S., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y.,Feng, Y., Wang, Y., & Chen, R. (2023). Effects of tobacco versus electronic cigarette usage on nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidality among Chinese youth: cross-sectional self-report survey study.JMIR public health and surveillance, 9,e47058,1-14.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  10. Qu, D.,Feng, Y.†, Wen, X., & Chen, R. (2023). The effect of interoceptive awareness as the underlying mechanism between anxiety and NSSI behaviors.Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 13, 100598.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  11. Duan, Z.,Feng, Y.†, Xu, S., Gao, D., Ji, Y., Sun, X., Chen, R. & Wang, Y. (2023). The role of childhood left-behind experience on childhood trauma exposure and mental health outcomes: a propensity score matching (PSM) analysis.Journal of Public Health,fdad060, 1-9.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  12. Jin, Y., Warmenhoven, H., Xu, S.,Feng, Y., & Wang, Y. (2023). Childhood abuse and social anxiety: Socio-demographic correlates of social anxiety disorder among male and female youth exposed to childhood abuse.Current Psychology,1-13.(SSCI, Q2)

  13. Gao, J.,Feng, Y.†, Xu, S., Wilson, A., Li, H., Wang, X., Sun, X. and Wang, Y.Y. (2023). Appearance anxiety and social anxiety: A mediated model of self-compassion.Frontiers in Public Health, 11,1105428,1-6.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  14. Chen, R.,Feng, Y.†, Su, D., Wilson, A., Han, M., & Wang, Y. (2023). Utrecht Gender Dysphoria Scale–Gender Spectrum in a Chinese population: scale validation and associations with mental health, self-harm and suicidality.BJPsych Open, 9(1), e17, 1-9. (SCI & SSCI, Q2)

  15. Zong, M., Dong, D., Yang, Z.,Feng, Y.#, & Qiao, Z. (2022). Role of time perspectives and self-control on well-being and ill-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multiple mediation model.BMC psychology, 10(1), 1-11.(SSCI, Q2)

  16. Dong, D.,Feng, Y.#, & Qiao, Z. (2022). Understanding cultural factors in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: when collectivism meets a tight culture.Current Psychology, 42, 26772-26782.(SSCI, Q2)

  17. Feng, Y.†, Warmenhoven, H., Wilson, A., Jin, Y., Chen, R., Wang, Y., & Hamer, K. (2022). The Identification With All Humanity (IWAH) scale: its psychometric properties and associations with help-seeking during COVID-19.Current Psychology, 42, 25485-25497.(SSCI, Q2)

  18. Feng, Y., Gu, W., Dong, F., Dong, D., & Qiao, Z. (2022). Overexposure to COVID-19 information amplifies emotional distress: a latent moderated mediation model.Translational Psychiatry,12(1), 1-9.(SCI, Q1)

  19. Chao, G., &Feng, Y.#(2022). Influence of public engagement with science on scientific information literacy during the COVID‑19 pandemic.Science & Education,31(3), 619-633.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  20. Yao, Y., Chen, J., Dong, D.,Feng, Y.#, & Qiao, Z. (2022). The Relationship between exercise and mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: From the perspective of hope.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(7), 4090.(SCI & SSCI, Q2)

  21. Tang, L., Gao, Y., Qi, S., Cui, J., Zhou, L., &Feng, Y.#. (2022). Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among patients with mental disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic.BMC Psychiatry,22(1), 1-11.(SSCI, Q2)

  22. Wang, Y., Warmenhoven, H.,Feng, Y.†, Wilson, A., Guo, D., & Chen, R. (2022). The relationship between childhood trauma and suicidal ideation, the mediating role of identification of all humanity, indifference and loneliness.Journal of Affective Disorders,299, 658-655.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  23. Dong, D., Chen, Z., Zong, M., Zhang, P., Gu, W.,Feng, Y.#, & Qiao, Z. (2021). What protects us against the COVID-19 threat? Cultural tightness matters.BMC Public Health,21(1), 1-11.(SCI, Q2)

  24. Wang, Y.,Feng, Y.†, Han, M., Duan, Z., Wilson, A., Fish, J., Sun, S., & Chen, R. (2021). Methods of attempted suicide and risk factors in LGBTQ+ youth.Child Abuse & Neglect,122, 105352, 1-14.(SSCI, Q1)

  25. Wang, Y.,Feng, Y.†, Su, D., Wilson, A., Pan, B., Liu, Y., Wang, N., Guo, B., Han, M., Zucker, K. J., & Chen, R. (2021). Validation of the Chinese version of the Gender Identity/Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adolescents and Adults.Journal of Sexual Medicine,18(9), 1632-1640.(SCI, Q2)

  26. Zhang, Z.,Feng, Y.#, Song, R., Yang, D., & Duan, X. (2021). Prevalence of psychiatric diagnosis and related psychopathological symptoms among patients with COVID-19 during the second wave of the pandemic.Globalization and Health,17(44), 1-12.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  27. Wang, Y., Hu, Z.,Feng, Y.†, Wilson, A., & Chen, R. (2020). Changes in network centrality of psychopathology symptoms between the COVID-19 outbreak and after peak.Molecular Psychiatry,25(12), 3140-3149.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  28. Feng, Y., Zong, M., Yang, Z., Gu, W., Dong, D., & Qiao, Z. (2020). When altruists cannot help: The influence of altruism on the mental health of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic.Globalization and Health,16(61), 1-8.(SCI & SSCI, Q1)

  29. Chen, B., Sun, J., &Feng, Y.#(2020). How have COVID-19 isolation policies affected young people's mental health?——Evidence from Chinese college students.Frontiers in Psychology,11(1529), 1-6.(SSCI, Q2)

  30. Chen, B.,Feng, Y.#, Sun, J., & Yan, J. (2020). Motivation analysis of online green users: Evidence from Chinese “Ant Forest”.Frontiers in Psychology,11(1335), 1-9.(SSCI, Q2)

  31. Wang, Y., Hu, Z., Peng, K., Rechdan, J., Yang, Y., Wu, L., Xin, Y., Lin, J., Duan, Z., Zhu, X.,Feng, Y., Chen, S., Ou, J., & Chen, R. (2020). Mapping out a spectrum of the Chinese public’s discrimination toward the LGBT community: Results from a national survey.BMC Public Health,20(669), 1-10.(SCI & SSCI, Q2)

  32. Cai, H., Zou, X.,Feng, Y., Liu, Y., & Jing, Y. (2018). Increasing need for uniqueness in contemporary China: Empirical evidence.Frontiers in Psychology,9(554), 1-7.(SSCI, Q2)

  33. 丰怡,蔡华俭,施媛媛. (2013).文化产品研究——文化心理学的独特视角.心理科学进展,21(2), 326-335.

  34. 罗宇,施媛媛,岳曦彤,丰怡, &蔡华俭. (2013).自尊的遗传性:来自双生子研究的证据.心理科学进展,21(9), 1617-1628.

  35. 蔡华俭,丰怡, &岳曦彤. (2011).泛文化的自尊需要:基于中国人的研究证据.心理科学进展,19(1), 1-8.



中国心理学会 会员

中央财经大学经济、环境与心理健康研究伦理委员会(ECEEHP) 副主任

北京师范大学心理应急干预中心 青年研究员

中国社会工作联合会青少年与学校社会工作委员会 委员


中央人民广播电台《中国乡村之声》 特邀心理嘉宾

期刊编委:BMC Psychology

期刊审稿人:Molecular Psychiatry; Globalization and Health; BMC Psychiatry; BMC Public Health

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